OohyahSports allows you to access your Yahoo Sports Data by using an API Keys instead of using an O-Auth Flow. This make it easy to access the Yahoo Sports API in places where the traditional O-Auth flow might not be convinient (ex. CLIs, Personal Websites, Bots, etc).
OoyahSports uses the same exact interface that the YahooSports API, except the base url is different.
Instead of https://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/, you use
https://oohyahsports.com/api/. You will also need to include your OohyahSports
API key in the Authorization Header Authorization: API_KEY
For more infomation on the general Yahoo Sports API, check out the documentation.
Nope! We just proxy your request directly to Yahoo and return the data to you.
I'm a solo dev so i'll be working on features as I have time. But please feel free to leave feedback.